A Year in Review 2017

I was about to start this post with the same sentence as my 'year in review 2016' post " 2017 wasn't as rich in epicness as 2016" but then I had to stop myself, 2017 has been awesome for me. 

I've only been active in short bursts due to other commitments like working my full time job, building a house, teaching myself woodworking and looking after my family and I'm a bit bummed to realise I made my last portrait on 6th August!



My studio is currently shut down while I am relocating but expect a great line-up of portraits in 2018, starting mid to late Feb in my brand-new studio space. 

2 things stand out for me this year:-

Being voted Australia/New Zealand Emerging Photographer 2017http://www.capturemag.com.au/latest/who-is-australasia-s-top-emerging-photographer-2017

Making my first photography book, 'Artefact', which I entered into the NZIPP Iris awards to win a top gold award - http://www.paulalsop.com/blog/2017/7/30/artefact-the-book

There was also a couple of articles in a few publications:-

- Bay of Plenty Times Back Page - a local newspaper, but probably the best interview I've had to date - http://www.nzherald.co.nz/bay-of-plenty-times/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503343&objectid=11867340

- Progear - Joining the NZ elite photographers with a feature in their 'Photographer of the Month' section -   https://www.progear.co.nz/about/photographer-of-the-month/paul-alsop/

I've also had the opportunity to meet some excellent people and makes some excellent portraits, here are only a few:-


Many thanks to everyone who has supported me and a special thanks to those that have sat for me in 2017, looking forwards to sharing my work with you all in 2018!

Kia ora rawa atu (Many Thanks) and Noho ora mai (all the best). 


#makeportraits a bts look - Clare

A behind the scenes look at a recent portrait with Clare.


There is a considerable amount of preparation that goes into making just one wet plate collodion portrait. 

My preparation starts weeks before the proposed shoot with the acquisition and manufacturing of the chemicals involved in making an image.

Once the chemistry is sorted or in progress, I turn my attention to the sitter. Based on their most current image they send to me or on their public social media images, I start to create concept or mood board for the type of image I feel will suit their face for a portrait. I will often do this via Pinterest, although I usually keep upcoming portraits locked as private, only sharing them with the sitter or my creative collaborators.  

After creating a shortlist of images, either based on my preference, the sitters preference or my creative collaborators preference, I start deconstructing the lighting, then re purposing it for my own vision.

Check out the BTS images below and the commentary to read how the final image came about. Feel free to leave comments. 


Sitter: Clare McDonald

Collodionist: Paul Alsop

Creative collaborator: Ani Fourie

BTS Photographer: Shawn Rolton